A. What is the best user interface design for LBS (Location-Based Service) application on smart phones in Taiwan?
The Mojo VIP Travel Software, designed by Mojo Team, won first place at Taiwan Communication Contest (Dec. 10, 2010) for creating the best User Interface design for LBS services with innovative cross-language communication button that solves human’s Cross-Languages problems in four languages:
English, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.
Mojo Cross-Language VIP travel software solves your largest travelling problems:
It is hard for foreign SIM card cell phones to access the internet in Taiwan - it is far more expensive.
70% of Mojo VIP Travel Software functions can be accessed without internet or a SIM card. Before visiting Taiwan Taipei, just download and install Mojo VIP Travel Software in your cell phone. Then, you can enjoy travelling in Taiwan without internet access problem and language barriers.
Note: This version provides around 2000 POIs for the most recommended scenic points & lifestyle information related to【all Taiwan cities】.
This is paid version that contains extra unique features as follows:
1. 4 Languages user interface & functions
2. Cross-Language function for each scenic points & lifestyle POI
3. Online translation for your input texts (four languages)
4. Sync. your POIs with our server
B. Product Specialty:
1. A high quality user interface with detail POI (Points of Interest) information:
2. Reducing Foreign People Language Barriers:
. Provides Multilingual Features
. Provides Cross-Language Communication Button
It converts each scenic point’s information into Chinese context. Thus, foreign people can communicate with taxi drivers or merchants by context, instead of by spoken language.
. Online Translation Text Box
Foreigners can instantly translate text into Chinese to communicate with Taiwan people
3. Save your preferred POIs into「Handbag」– an innovative service model including “search” + ”take away”:
When finding interested POIs, just click「take away」 to send a SMS with the POI information to a designated cell phone.
Product Featurs:
This application divides travel and lifestyle POIs LBS into fifteen categories by using a four-layered structure design that allows you to easily access POI information through simple sliding movement.
This application with Four-Layer design:
Layer 1: Main Category (Homepage)
Layer 2: Sub Category
Layer 3: POI Basic Information
Layer 4: POI Detail Information
Layer 1: Main Category (Homepage)
Homepage 1:Tour Bus, Fine Dining, Must Visit, Fun, Where Am I
Homepage 2:Souvenirs, Hotels, Discover Taiwan, Keyword Search, Online Translation
Homepage 3:Handbag, Timetable, Currency Converter, Important Phone Number, Set Location
Layer 3 POI Basic Information
POI Name, Tel, Address, Distance Away
Layer 4: POI Detail Information
Introduction ─ This POIs introduction with extra features as
:[MAP] Show the POI on a Map
:[CALL] Provides phone calling function
:[CHINESE] Cross-Language Communication Button: Converts this POIs information into Chinese
Photos, Blogs, Videos ─ slide left/right , click the arrows, or click see "wWw" to browse the website
Function Keys
:Take Away: Provides a SMS sending and sharing function
:Add to Handbag: Put the POI’s information into your Handbag
:Set Location: Sets this POI’s address for next time location search
Please give us 5-star review if you feel good user interface and easy to use.
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We welcome your emails and suggestions, your encouragement is our greatest motivation.
Email: MojoTaiwan@gmail.com
Mojo team appreciates your valuable time and efforts.